List of Articles on Faith and Christian Life

Here are all the articles on Christian life available on this website, with other helpful resources for getting to know the Catholic faith better.

Find articles about:

The Creed
The Ten Commandments
Questions about Jesus Christ and the Church
Liturgical Year
Our Lady

Family Life and Education of Children
Marriage and Dating
Prayer and Spiritual Life
Virtues and Character Formation
Work and Its Sanctification

"Just Start" - Works of Mercy in Daily Life
“The Adventure of Marriage”: Video-Series for Marriage Preparation
Saint Paul Video Series
What Faith Means When You're 20
Working on Trust: Video-Series on Educating Children in Freedom

Examples of Faith
Fathers of the Church
Life of Mary
New Mediterraneans
On Mercy
Paths to God
Something Great That is Love (Vocation)
To Know Him and To Know Yourself (Prayer)
I Have Called You Friends (Friendship)

You can also check-out this list of recent e-books available for download.


The Creed

eBook: “Summaries of Catholic Teaching”
Topic 1: The Existence of God
Topic 2: Revelation
Topic 3: Supernatural Faith
Topic 4: God's Nature and Action
Topic 5: The Most Holy Trinity
Topic 6: Creation
Topic 7: Elevation to the Supernatural Order and Original Sin
Topic 8: Jesus Christ, True God and True Man
Topic 9: The Incarnation
Topic 10: Passion and Death on the Cross
Topic 11: Resurrection, Ascension and Second Coming
Topic 12: I Believe in the Holy Spirit. I Believe in the Holy Catholic Church.
Topic 13: I Believe in the Communion of Saints and the Forgiveness of Sins
Topic 14: History of the Church
Topic 15: The Church and the State
Topic 16: I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body and Life Everlasting


Topic 17: Introduction to the Liturgy and the Sacraments
Topic 18: Baptism and Confirmation
Topic 19: The Eucharist (I)
Topic 20: The Eucharist (II)
Topic 21: The Eucharist (III)
Topic 22: Penance (I)
Topic 23: Penance (II)
Topic 24: Anointing of the Sick
Topic 24 (2): Holy Orders
Topic 25: Marriage
Topic 26: Freedom, Law and Conscience
Topic 27: Morality of Human Acts
Topic 28: Grace and the Virtues
Topic 29: The Person and Society
Topic 30: Personal Sin

The Ten Commandments
Topic 31: The First Commandment
Topic 32: Second and Third Commandments
Topic 33: Fourth Commandment
Topic 34: Fifth Commandment
Topic 35: Sixth Commandment
Topic 36: Seventh Commandment
Topic 37: Eighth Commandment
Topic 38: Ninth and Tenth Commandments
Topic 39: Prayer
Topic 40: "Our Father who art in heaven"

Questions about Jesus Christ and the Church

What do we really know about Jesus?
How were the first gospels written?
Who were the evangelists?
What sort of historical credibility does the Bible have?
What do Roman and Jewish sources tell us about Jesus?
What do the Qumran manuscripts tell us?
Who are the Gnostics?
What is the difference between the canonical gospels and the apocryphal gospels?
What are the canonical and the apocryphal gospels? How many are there?
What do the apocryphal gospels say?
What is the Nag Hammadi library?
What is the current situation of historical research into Jesus?
Did Jesus really mean to found a Church?
What went on at the Last Supper?
Who was Mary Magdalene?
What was the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene?
What was the relationship between Peter and Mary Magdalene?
What does the “Gospel according to Mary (Magdalene)” say?
What does the gospel of Philip say?
Was Jesus single, married or widower?
Did St. Joseph marry a second time?
What does Mary’s virginity imply?
What is the Holy Grail? How is it related to the Holy Chalice?

Liturgical Year

"A great longing to be like them" (All Saints Day)
"My good friends the souls in purgatory"
"To you I entrust the Future of the Church"
Advent: Preparing the Way for the Lord
Christmas Time: The Light of Bethlehem
Bethlehem Ever Present in the Tabernacle
The Epiphany of Our Lord
Ecumenism: Praying for Christian Unity
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple
Seven Sundays of Saint Joseph
Lent: Pathway to Easter
The Conversion of the Children of God
Holy Week: "He Loved Them to the End"
Easter: "I have risen and am still with you"
Divine Mercy Sunday: Five Resources
Pentecost: The Great Unknown
Preparing for the Feast of Corpus Christi
Ordinary Time: Sunday, the Lord's Day and Day of Joy
Feasts of Our Lord during Ordinary Time (I)
Feasts of Our Lord during Ordinary Time (II)
Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
October, Month of the Rosary
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Gathered Together in Communion
The Music that Comes from God
Like a Great Symphony
"All generations shall call be blessed": Our Lady in the Liturgical Year

Our Lady, Mother of God and our Mother

eBook: "Mary, a Life Close to Jesus"
Devotion to Our Lady
Immaculate Conception: Magisterium, Fathers, Saints
Birth of our Lady: Magisterium, Saints, Poets
Presentation of our Lady: Magisterium, Saints, Poets
Betrothal to Joseph: Magisterium, Saints, Poets
The Annunciation: Magisterium, Saints, Poets
The Visitation: Magisterium, Saints, Poets
Jesus' Presentation in the Temple: Magisterium, Saints, Poets
Birth of Christ: Magisterium, Saints, Poets
Adoration of the Magi: Magisterium, Saints, Poets
Flight into Egypt: Magisterium, Saints, Poets
Return to Nazareth: Magisterium, Saints, Poets
Jesus with Doctors of the Law: Magisterium, Saints, Poets
The Nazareth Years: Magisterium, Saints, Poets
Wedding Feast at Cana: Magisterium, Saints, Poets
Beside the Cross of Jesus: Magisterium, Saints, Poets
Burial of Christ: Magisterium, Saints, Poets
Christ's Resurrection and Ascension: Magisterium, Saints, Poets
The Coming of the Holy Spirit: Magisterium, Saints, Poets
Dormition and Assumption: Magisterium, Saints, Poets
Coronation and Queenship: Magisterium, Saints, Poets
A Marian Month


Family Life and Education of Children

E-book: Educating Children in the Family
E-book: Pope Francis' Catechesis on the Family (vol. I)
E-book: Pope Francis' Catechesis on the Family (vol. II)
E-book: Pope Francis' Catechesis on the Family (vol. III)
14 Questions about the Family
Educating in Freedom
Educating in Friendship
Educating in Modesty (1)
Educating in Modesty (2)
Educating in the New Technologies
Educating the Emotions
Good Manners
Growth: A Family Project (1)
Growth: A Family Project (2)
Guiding the Heart
Leisure and Free Time (1)
Leisure and Free Time (2)
Leisure and Free Time (3)
Parental Authority
Passing on the Faith (1)
Passing on the Faith (2)
Temperance and Self-Mastery (1)
Temperance and Self-Mastery (2)
The Family's Educational Mission (1)
The Family's Educational Mission (2)
The Parents' Right to Educate their Children (1)
The Parents' Right to Educate their Children (2)
Work and Family Life: Complementary Realities

Marriage and Dating

10 Questions About Marriage
"The Adventure of Marriage": Video-Series for Marriage Preparation
"Take a Chance on Happiness" Video - Married Couples Inspired by Saint Josemaria
Choosing a Spouse
Courtship Makes Good Sense
Creating Bright and Cheerful Homes
Engagement: Looking Forward to Marriage
Intimacy in Matrimony: Spousal Happiness and Openness to Life
Keep the Fire Burning
Learning to Love
Lessons in Love
Matrimonial Love
Matrimony and Prayer

Prayer and Spiritual Life

"Charity, the Hidden Meaning of Scripture"
"God saw everything that he had made, and behold it was very good" (Creation)
"Passionately Loving the World" Homily
"Do You Understand What You Are Reading?": Sacred Scripture (I)
A God Who Lets Things Happen? The Mystery of Evil and Suffering
A Heart Enkindled by the Word: Sacred Scripture (II)
A Love That Embraces the World (Creation)
A Whisper in the Soul: the Silence of God
Confession: A God Who Runs to Meet Us
Divine Inspirations
Encounter with Jesus (The Eucharist)
God's Books (Sacred Scripture & Tradition)
In the Joyful Hope of Christ
Life without God
Looking With Unclouded Eyes (Holy Purity)
New Mediterraneans (I): "That First Prayer of a Child of God"
New Mediterraneans (II): "Jesus is my dear Friend"
New Mediterraneans (III): "From the Wound of the right hand"
New Mediterraneans (IV): "Don't speak: listen to him"
New Mediterraneans (V): "To Jesus, Through Mary"
Paths of Contemplation (Plan of Life, Mental Prayer)
Pleasing God
Pray Without Ceasing (Presence of God)
Priestly Soul, Soul of Christ
Science and Faith During the Pandemic (Science and Religion)
Spiritual Communions: The Longings in God’s Heart
The Art of Prayer
The Communion of Saints: More United Than Ever
The Face of Jesus
The Fire of the First Christians
The Historical Jesus
The Incarnation
The Most Supernatural Reason (Freedom, Interior Life)
The Path of Liberation: From Sin to Grace
The Source of Joy (Cheerfulness)
The Reason for Our Hope (Faith & Reason)
To Serve the Church
Trusting in God (Abandonment, Beginning Again)
Walking Towards Christ (Struggle)
You Are the Light of the World (Communication, Apostolate)
Saint Augustine of Hippo
Saint Augustine on "True Poverty"
Saint Josemaría, Teacher of Forgiveness (Part 1)
Saint Josemaría, Teacher of Forgiveness (Part 2)
That Trinitarian Current of Love
Tribute to Mary
Under the Fig Tree: Accompanying Our Loved Ones
Under the Guidance of the Fathers of the Church
When Christ Passes By

Virtues and Character Formation

ebook - Pope Francis' Catechesis on Hope: “God walks with me”
eBook: New Technologies and Christian Life
"A Smile and Joy" (Cheerfulness, Humility)
"Jesus, I know that this enchanted you" (Taking care of small details)
"Thank Him For Everything, Because Everything Is Good" (Gratitude)
"In Spirit and Truth": Creating Unity of Life (I)
"Where God Wants Us": Creating Unity of Life (II)
5 Remedies Against Sadness
A Healthy Self-esteem
A Life in Dialogue with Others (Friendship, Listening)
A Personality Identified with Christ
A Renewed Faithfulness
Authors Of Our Own Lives
Building Interior Order
Character Built on Virtue
Educating in the New Technologies
Fashion, Style and Christian Formation
Free to Build the Future
Growth: A Family Project (1)
Growth: A Family Project (2)
Humility, Source of Joy
In the Sanctuary of Conscience
Interior Quiet in the Digital Age
Learning to be Faithful
Living by Faith (Magnanimity, Daring, Optimism)
Living For Others (Friendship, Apostolate)
Looking With Unclouded Eyes (Holy Purity)
Reaching the Entire Person: Role of the Emotions (I)
Reaching the Entire Person: Role of the Emotions (II)
Salt and Light, Example and Doctrine
Sailing Safely on the Digital Seas
Sharing Others' Feelings (Empathy)
Social Media and Personal Relations
The Doorway of Humility
The New Technologies and Christian Coherence
The Others and I: Verses of the Same Poem
The Ripe Fruit of Personal Identity (Maturity)
Towards Freedom
Trusting in God (Abandonment, Beginning Again)
What to Read? (I): Our map of the world
What to Read? (II): Choosing the best

Work and its Sanctification

eBook: “Working well, working for love”
Sanctifying the World "From Within"
Unity of Life in Professional Work
Sanctifying with our Work
Working for Love
Work and Rest
God's Work
Work and Contemplation (I)
Work and Contemplation (II)
Working Conscientiously
Cross and Resurrection in Work
The Hinge of our Sanctification
"A Supernatural Motive"
Professional Prestige
The Strength of Leaven
Work At All Times
Work and Family
“Sine Sole Sileo”: Tiredness and rest (I)
The Soul Dances: Tiredness and rest (II)
Sanctifying Work and "Christianizing" Society


"Just Start" Video-Series: Works of Mercy in Daily Life

"Just Start. Ways to help people"
1) Work for Free
2) Feeding Body and Soul
3) Enlarge your Family
4) Learn to Forgive
5) Open Doors "Assisting Refugees"
6) Share What You Know
7) Be Close to the Suffering
8) Be with them to the end
9) Offer Work Opportunities
10) Moving Ahead Little By Little
11) Accompany Those in Prison

“The Adventure of Marriage”: Video-Series for Marriage Preparation

1) The Start of an Adventure
2) Dangers Along the Way
3) Searching for Light
4) The Importance of Not Being Alone
5) An Adventure for Everyone
6) It is Worth While

Saint Paul: Video Series

Saint Paul: To Live in Christ
Saint Paul and Marriage
Saint Paul's Vocation
Year of Saint Paul
St. Paul: Union of Faith and Reason
St. Paul, Tireless Preacher
Saint Paul's Letters
St. Paul and Charity
St. Paul and Christ’s Divinity
St. Paul and the First Christians
Saint Paul and Work
Saint Paul and the Eucharist

What Faith Means When You're 20

1) The Faith at 20
2) Wanting to know more
3) Faith leads to service
4) Bringing God into my daily life
5) Setting the tone
6) I belong to a family
7) Giving Yourself Completely to God
8) Room for God to Enter
9) Grace that changes your life
10) Christ in my life
11) Sharing the faith
12) The Faith, in a few words
13) "The Faith at 20" - Full Documentary

Working on Trust

Working on Trust (1): "More than Video Games"
Working on Trust (2): "Talking with children about human sexuality"
Working on Trust (3): "Mom, can I have a cell phone?"
Working on Trust (4): “Can I go out tonight?”
Working on Trust (5): "Can I have a party?"
Working on Trust (6): Each Child Is Different
Working on Trust (7): An Unexpected Future
Working on Trust (8): God chose my son
Working on Trust (9): Dealing with peer pressure


Examples of Faith

1) Abraham
2) Moses' Vocation and Mission
3) David, A Man After God's Own Hear
4) Elijah the Prophet
5) Mary, Model and Teacher of Faith
6) The Centurion
7) Saint Peter
8) Martha and Mary

Fathers of the Church

1) Under the Guidance of the Fathers of the Church
2) Saint Augustine of Hippo
3) Saint Augustine on "True Poverty"
4) "Charity, the Hidden Meaning of Scripture"
5) When Christ Passes By
6) Tribute to Mary
7) The Miraculous Catch

Life of Mary

1) The Immaculate Conception
2) Birth of our Lady
3) Presentation of our Lady
4) Betrothal to Joseph
5) The Annunciation
6) Visitation to Saint Elizabeth
7) Birth of Christ
8) Jesus' Presentation in the Temple
9) Adoration of the Magi
10) Flight into Egypt
11) Return to Nazareth
12) Jesus with Doctors of the Law
13) The Nazareth Years
14) Wedding Feast at Cana
15) Beside the Cross of Jesus
16) Burial of Christ
17) Christ's Resurrection and Ascension
18) The Coming of the Holy Spirit
19) Dormition and Assumption
20) Coronation and Queenship

New Mediterraneans

New Mediterraneans (I): "That First Prayer of a Child of God"
New Mediterraneans (II): "Jesus is my dear Friend"
New Mediterraneans (III): "From the Wound of the right hand"
New Mediterraneans (IV): "Don't speak: listen to him"
New Mediterraneans (V): "To Jesus, Through Mary"

On Mercy

"Go and Do Likewise": the Law of God and Mercy
Christ Reveals the Father's Mercy: Mercy in Sacred Scripture
God's Open Heart: Mercy and Apostolate
His Mercy Endures Forever: At the Beginning of the Jubilee Year
Mary, Mother of Mercy
Restore to Me the Joy of Your Salvation
Serene Attentiveness: the Spiritual Works of Mercy
With Love In Our Eyes: Mercy and Fraternity
You Did It To Me

Paths to God

1) God, Father of Infinite Mercy
2) Knowing Jesus Christ and Making Him Known
3) The Holy Spirit, Love Guiding Us to Love
4) Holy Mary, Mother of God and our Mother
5) Love for the Church, Responsibility for the Church

Something Great That is Love (Vocation)

Something Great That Is Love (I): Jesus comes to meet us
Something Great That Is Love (II): What your life could be
Something Great That Is Love (III): Our true name
Something Great That Is Love (IV): More mothers and fathers than ever
Something Great That Is Love (V): How do we discover our vocation?
Something Great That Is Love (VI): So that the music plays
Something Great That Is Love (VII): Giving one's life for one's friends
Something Great That Is Love (VIII): Am I making the right decision?
Something Great That Is Love (IX): We are apostles!
Something Great That Is Love (X): Towards the Fullness of Love
Something Great That Is Love (XI): The Fruit of Fidelity
Something Great That Is Love (XII): The Vocation to Marriage

To Know Him and To Know Yourself (Prayer)

To Know Him and To Know Yourself (I): Stealing Christ's Heart
To Know Him and To Know Yourself (II): With Words Jesus Taught Us
To Know Him and To Know Yourself (III): In the Company of the Saints
To Know Him and To Know Yourself (IV): Learning How to Listen
To Know Him and To Know Yourself (V): How God Speaks To Us
To Know Him and To Know Yourself (VI): A Richer Language
To Know Him and To Know Yourself (VII): A Good Connection

I Have Called You Friends (Friendship)

I Have Called You Friends (I): Does God Have Friends?
I Have Called You Friends (II): To Light Up the Earth

Free E-books available for download
Most are available in PDF, ePub, Mobi, ITunes, and Google Play:

“God’s Tenderness: Reflections on His Mercy”

Beatification of Alvaro del Portillo

Christus Vivit

Educating Children in the Family

Faith and Reason according to Benedict XVI

Gaudete et Exsultate

Letters to a Saint

Mary, a Life Close to Jesus

Misericordia et Misera

New Technologies and Christian Life

New Mediterraneans

Pope Francis' Catechesis on the Family (vol. I)

Pope Francis' Catechesis on the Family (vol. II)

Pope Francis' Catechesis on the Family (vol. III)

Pope Francis' Catechesis on Hope: “God walks with me”

Pope Francis' Catechesis on the Mass

Pope Francis in the Baltic countries

Pope Francis in Chile and Peru

Pope Francis in Ireland

Pope Francis in Myanmar and Bangladesh

Pope Francis in Panama

Preparation for the Year of Mercy

Summaries of Catholic Teaching

The Time of God's Presence

Working well, working for love