The Regional Vicar
Mgr Christian van der Ploeg is the Regional Vicar for the region of North West Europe
75th Anniversary of Opus Dei in Britain
Opus Dei arrived in Britain 75 years ago, when three young postgraduate students moved to London at the end of 1946 to start the activities of Opus Dei there. Now there are members and apostolic initiatives in many cities in Britain.
She gave everything with a touch of humour
Oro Laviña (1928-2020), one of the early women members of Opus Dei, who worked with saint Josemaria and blessed Guadalupe Ortiz, spent many years helping to establish Opus Dei and its apostolates in Britain.
Centenary of the birth of Fr John Galarraga
29 January 2020 will be the centenary of the birth of Fr John Galarraga, who started the apostolic work of Opus Dei in Britain in 1946
Homily at the Mass for the Assumption at the Shrine of Our Lady of Willesden on 15 August 2018
Homily given by Fr Andrew Soane for the Mass of the Assumption on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the visit of St Josemaría Escrivá to the Shrine to consecrate Opus Dei to Our Lady on 15 August 1958
Mass in London to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the visit of St Josemaría Escrivá
A Mass for the Assumption of Our Lady is being celebrated at Our Lady of Willesden church where St Josemaría Escrivá consecrated Opus Dei to Our Lady on 15 August 1958.
Cardinal Nichols blesses painting of Our Lady of Willesden with St Thomas More, St Josemaría Escrivá and Bl Alvaro del Portillo
On 2 October 2016, Cardinal Nichols blessed a painting of Our Lady of Willesden to which had been added the figure of Bl Alvaro del Portillo following his beatification in September 2014.
Fr. Joseph Gabiola (12 May 1928 – 11 September 2015)
We regret to announce the death of Fr. Joseph Gabiola, known to many in Great Britain and elsewhere.
Masses in Britain on the occasion of the feast of St Josemaría Escrivá - June 2015
26 June is the feast of Saint Josemaría
Holiness, the “secret force that transforms the world”
Cardinal Nichols thanks Opus Dei for its work in Britain – and Vatican Archbishop presents an Opus Dei Blessed as a model of holiness in everyday life