- 03/11/2024 – Response to BBC World Service radio documentary “Seeking Justice from Opus Dei”
- 01/10/2024 – Response to Gareth Gore’s book "Opus" published by Simon & Schuster in October 2024
- 01/10/2024 – Press statement on a judicial process in Argentina
- 31/07/2024 – Some clarifications on a second article published in the “Financial Times”
- 30/04/2024 – About the book "Opus" by Gareth Gore (Simon & Schuster)
Blessed Alvaro del Portillo Newsletter No. 12 (2024)
Blessed Alvaro del Portillo, St Josemaría's first successor at the head of Opus Dei, was beatified on 27 September 2014. This year being the 10th anniversary of his beatification, we offer one if the texts proposed by the Church for the Liturgy of the Hours for his feast which is celebrated on 12 May.
Blessed Alvaro del Portillo Newsletter No. 11 (2023)
Blessed Alvaro del Portillo, Saint Josemaría's first successor at the head of Opus Dei, was beatified on 27 September 2014. His feast is celebrated on 12 May, the day on which he made his First Holy Communion at the age of seven in 1921. This Newsletter is entitled “Learning to love in everyday life”.
Blessed Alvaro del Portillo Newsletter No. 10 (2022)
Blessed Alvaro del Portillo, Saint Josemaría's first successor at the head of Opus Dei, was beatified on 27 September 2014. His feast is celebrated on 12 May, the day on which he made his First Holy Communion at the age of seven in 1921. On this occasion, we offer a Newsletter reflecting his love for the Holy Mass.
Videos on Youtube Channel
Videos about Opus Dei and Saint Josemaria and Bishop Alvaro del Portillo. If you need them in High Quality, please contact the Opus Dei Press Office at press@opusdei.org
Official Photographs
High-quality photos of Opus Dei founder Saint Josemaria Escriva, the current prelate Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, Venerable Bishop Alvaro del Portillo, Bishop Javier Echevarría, and other images of interest.