Number of articles: 70

The Donkey on Palm Sunday

Why would Jesus choose a donkey to accompany him in his triumphant entry into Jerusalem? Why not a beautiful horse? Using a bit of imagination, we delve into the character of the donkey to experience this scene from the Gospel as another character.

For Prayer

An Important Intention

A fill-in-the-blank prayer guide with questions to inspire your personal conversation with God when you want to ask for something that really matters to you.

For Prayer


A fill-in-the-blank prayer guide with questions to inspire your personal conversation with God when you want to talk to him about your work.

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What a Coin is Worth

This time we’re going to put ourselves in Matthew’s shoes. He was the apostle who left his job and his life as a tax collector to follow Jesus from the day He called him to the day he died.

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The Evening of the Last Supper

“We all took our places at the table. The mood was bittersweet,” Peter says in this dramatized account of the apostles’ feelings at the Last Supper.

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A House for All Nations

Can you imagine encountering Jesus for the first time on the only day the evangelists tell us that he became extremely angry at the gates of the Temple? In this fictional account, a young Greek woman takes us through this striking episode in the life of Jesus.

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A fill-in-the-blank prayer guide with questions to inspire your personal conversation with God when you're worried.

For Prayer


These fill-in-the-blank prayer guides are full of questions to inspire your personal conversation with God.

For Prayer

Tweets for God

Many saints have recommended saying aspirations (very short prayers) to keep our love of God alive during the day. It's like sending Him a tweet. Here are some "tweets" for the times you want to talk to God and aren't sure what to say.

For Prayer


Ready to sit in silence with God? These points could help kickstart your prayer.

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