An invitation to special intimacy with Christ
What's the meaning of apostolic celibacy? It's a call to love. This is the second article in "Called to Love," a series on celibacy.
An invitation to special intimacy with Christ
What's the meaning of apostolic celibacy? It's a call to love. This is the second article in "Called to Love," a series on celibacy.
Seeing and Being Seen: Contemplation in the Middle of the World
Seeing God and knowing that you’re seen by Him means stepping into such a deep, intimate moment that words are unnecessary. You’re looking at someone you know perfectly, who knows you, and with whom you can share your deepest feelings and most personal joys. So here’s the million-dollar question: how do you get there?
Seeing and Being Seen: Contemplation in the Middle of the World
Seeing God and knowing that you’re seen by Him means stepping into such a deep, intimate moment that words are unnecessary. You’re looking at someone you know perfectly, who knows you, and with whom you can share your deepest feelings and most personal joys. So here’s the million-dollar question: how do you get there?
A fill-in-the-blank prayer guide with questions to inspire your personal conversation with God when you want to pray for your friends.
Looking at Jesus' Face
With a little imagination, we can put ourselves in Veronica's shoes. She overcame her shame and fear to comfort Jesus on the way to Calvary.
Have You No Faith?
Before the sorrow and scandal of the Cross, we have Jesus’s silence: silence and a promise. “Behold your Mother,” He told John, promising that we would always have Mary’s example of faith and love.
At Home in Bethany
Mary, Martha, and Lazarus are tense as they start to worry that something big is going to happen in the next few days.
The Donkey on Palm Sunday
Why would Jesus choose a donkey to accompany him in his triumphant entry into Jerusalem? Why not a beautiful horse? Using a bit of imagination, we delve into the character of the donkey to experience this scene from the Gospel as another character.
An Important Intention
A fill-in-the-blank prayer guide with questions to inspire your personal conversation with God when you want to ask for something that really matters to you.