5 Tools to Get to Know Saint Josemaria
Saint Josemaria was born on January 9, 1902, in Barbastro, Spain. Here are a few of the ways to get to know his life, including videos of his preaching, texts from his writings, in addition to audios, testimonies, and more.

A Resource for Prayer
Talks and meditations by priests of Opus Dei. Recent additions include 3 talks on “Pope Francis: His Life and Papacy and the Synod on the Family,” and meditations for the Sundays in Lent.

An App for Novenas to Saint Josemaria
A new app with four novenas, for the family, for work, for the sick, and for forgiveness, is designed to make it easier to ask Saint Josemaria’s help for specific needs.
Books by St Josemaria
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