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Lord, let me start by saying that I’m not coming to pray in order to feel better. I’m upset right now and I don’t know if that’s going to change while I pray. But I want to share the ugly parts of my life with you too. I just want to be with you. In fact, let me start by taking a second to breathe and just sitting in silence with You. I know you won’t mind if I cry while I do.
I want to tell You about what’s hurting me. I'm going to tell the story slowly so You can stop me if I start judging other people, planning to get even, or holding on to my anger…
Why did you let me get hurt, Lord? Your goodness is greater than any evil or suffering. What good are You going to draw from this? Is my heart going to grow from this? Are you going to make me stronger or better able to care for others? Do you want to teach me something else?
Thank you for always being here for me. I know that you’ll always be there when I call on you, and you want what’s best for me.
You know what it’s like to be rejected and insulted. You can sympathise with me. What can I learn from what the Gospels say about how you faced suffering?
I know you don’t want me to suffer, but since you suffered during your life on earth, I can weave this hurt into your story so we can carry it together. With your help, I can turn it into prayer. I’m going to finish this time of prayer by choosing an intention to offer my current suffering for. Please take it as prayer, Lord, for as long as this hurt lasts.