Number of articles: 70

What Next?

A fill-in-the-blank prayer guide with questions to inspire your personal conversation with God when you want to know where to focus your struggle.

For Prayer

Morning Offering

A fill-in-the-blank prayer guide with questions to inspire your personal conversation with God first thing in the morning.

For Prayer

Plan of Life

A plan of life is part of the "training plan" Opus Dei offers young people to help them seek, find, and love Christ. You adapt the plan to your personal needs and circumstances.

For Prayer

Starting to Pray

Five steps for putting yourself in the presence of God and starting to pray.

For Prayer

Human Devices

They're “alarm clocks” in ordinary life, like the chime of your phone with a reminder, letting you know that God is there waiting for you.

For Prayer


A fill-in-the-blank prayer guide with questions to inspire your personal conversation with God when you want to pray for your friends.

For Prayer

Looking at Jesus' Face

With a little imagination, we can put ourselves in Veronica's shoes. She overcame her shame and fear to comfort Jesus on the way to Calvary.

For Prayer

Have You No Faith?

Before the sorrow and scandal of the Cross, we have Jesus’s silence: silence and a promise. “Behold your Mother,” He told John, promising that we would always have Mary’s example of faith and love.

For Prayer

At Home in Bethany

Mary, Martha, and Lazarus are tense as they start to worry that something big is going to happen in the next few days.

For Prayer

Are there saints next door?

Pope Francis sometimes talks about the saints "next door." Who are they? Is it possible to become one?

For Prayer