Number of articles: 4846

"The birth of a handicapped child is like a tsunami"

Cosimo's birth was at first a great shock to Stefania. But her newly strengthened faith led her to launch out and help begin work opportunity programs for similarly affected children.

Personal testimonies

Working for Love

"Sanctifying oneself in work means allowing oneself to be sanctified by the Holy Spirit, who increases our capacity to love." 8th article in the series "Sanctifying our Work."

Fostering Interior Life

The Hinge of our Sanctification

St Josemaría often said: “Our ordinary activities are not an insignificant matter. Rather they are the very hinge on which our sanctity turns." A new article in the series on "Sanctifying our Work."

Fostering Interior Life

"Only God's mercy heals 'cancer' of sin"

In his Angelus address on Sunday, September 15, Pope Francis spoke about the importance of imitating God's mercy and learning to forgive others.

From the Church and the Pope

"Draw others to the Church by the attraction of your witness"

On October 1, feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Pope Francis celebrated Mass with the "Council of Cardinals" convoked in Rome, and pointed to the best way to bring many others to the Church.

From the Church and the Pope

St. Josemaria Day Care Center

Spurred by St. Josemaria's canonization in October 2002, Mian Añover and her husband started a social project for impoverished children and mothers in San Pedro, Laguna (Philippines).

Social initiatives

"To present the Church as made up of divided groups would show a lack of faith"

An interview with the Prelate of Opus Dei published in "El Mercurio" (Chile) on April 7, 2013.

From the Prelate

"Every unborn child, unjustly condemned to be aborted, bears the face of Jesus Christ"

On Friday September 20, Pope Francis spoke strongly against a "throwaway culture" that especially harms the unborn and the elderly.

From the Church and the Pope

Letter from the Prelate (October 2013)

“You cannot have God as your Father, if you don’t have the Church as your mother.” The Prelate reflects on these words of a Church Father and on the importance of the sacrament of Confession.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

"Aim of Opus Dei"

October 2nd 2013 is the 85th anniversary of the founding of Opus Dei. St. Josemaria speaks about the aim of Opus Dei in this brief video. With photo gallery of sites connected to the founding.

Opus Dei