Mari Vivian (Tallinn): Opus Dei on mulle eeskuju
Olen töötanud pisut üle aasta Opus Dei keskuses administratsioonis. See aeg ja õieti need kogemused on mulle õpetanud palju nii töö, elu kui usu kohta.
New Opus Dei website launched
Opus Dei launched an all-new version of on March 22. During 2005, Opus Dei’s website was visited by more than 3 million people.
Letter on Lent from the Prelate of Opus Dei
Bishop Javier Echevarría wrote this pastoral letter on the occasion of the beginning of Lent.
"God is Love": First Encyclical of Benedict XVI
Given below is a summary of Benedict XVI's first Encyclical, entitled "Deus caritas est" (God is love). Dated December 25, Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord, it considers the question of Christian love.
"Sain aru, et on olemas üleloomulik tähendus selle peale mida teen praegu"
Izabela Siekanska is studying for a doctorate in philosophy at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw, Poland.
"The Eucharist played the decisive role in my conversion"
Rianne Spoon, a 22-year-old Dutch medical student, was received into the Church this past December 12 during a solemn Mass in the Cathedral of St. Catherine in Utrecht, Netherlands. Here is her account:
Kuidas saan aidata oma töötajaid?
Raúl Hernandez is a businessman in Quezon City, The Philippines. He has been involved with setting up cooperatives and business training programs for young people.
Tuletõrja ning vaimulik juhtimine
Paul Ybarra elulugu: on olnud 20 a. tuletõrja Los Angeles. Peres on 3 last, nendest 2 on lapsendatud. (inglise keeles)
Ametlik leht
Edasist informatsiooni annab igal poolaastal ilmuv prelatuuri ametlik leht Romana. See teavitab põhjalikult Opus Dei personaalprelatuuri seisundist terves maailmas; juhtkonda nimetamistest, uute keskuste avamisest, teateid apostoolsetest algatustest jne.