Number of articles: 39

At Home in Bethany

Mary, Martha, and Lazarus are tense as they start to worry that something big is going to happen in the next few days.

For Prayer

This Close to Giving Up

We fall again and again, but God our Father always picks us up. He's waiting with open arms, and his love gives us the courage to start again. Ready?

For Prayer

Are there saints next door?

Pope Francis sometimes talks about the saints "next door." Who are they? Is it possible to become one?

For Prayer

"I choose to love you"

Monica and Dawson (Canada) talk about taking the leap into engagement at 26 and what it takes to be ready for a lifelong commitment.

The World & I

Starting to Pray

Five steps for putting yourself in the presence of God and starting to pray.

For Prayer

The Donkey on Palm Sunday

Why would Jesus choose a donkey to accompany him in his triumphant entry into Jerusalem? Why not a beautiful horse? Using a bit of imagination, we delve into the character of the donkey to experience this scene from the Gospel as another character.

For Prayer

What does it mean to be Saint Raphael?

What it means to be part of Opus Dei's work of St. Raphael, according to boys and girls around the world.

Saint Raphael

Dream Big, Start Small

God wants our help to transform the world "from within" and bring it to Him. But how?

The World & I

What a Coin is Worth

This time we’re going to put ourselves in Matthew’s shoes. He was the apostle who left his job and his life as a tax collector to follow Jesus from the day He called him to the day he died.

For Prayer

The Evening of the Last Supper

“We all took our places at the table. The mood was bittersweet,” Peter says in this dramatized account of the apostles’ feelings at the Last Supper.

For Prayer