More points to inspire your conversation with God:
- By turning some small matter over and over in your mind, you will make it snowball into something big, with you trapped inside. What's the point of doing that? Open up your soul! I promise that you will be happy, that is faithful to your Christian way, if you are sincere. Clarity and simplicity: they are absolutely necessary dispositions. We have to open up our souls completely, so that the sun of God and the charity of Love can enter in. FRIENDS OF GOD, no. 189
- Hurrying, hurrying! Working, working! Feverish activity, anxiety to be up and doing. Marvellous material structures… Where spiritual things are concerned: broken up boxes, cheap cotton, painted cardboard, hurrying, working! And many people running here and there. It is because in their work they think only of 'today'; their vision is limited to what is 'present'. You must see things with the eyes of eternity, 'keeping present' what has passed and what has yet to come… Calmness. Peace. Intense life within you. Without that wild hurry, without that frenzy for change, you can work from your proper place in life. And, like a powerful generator of spiritual electricity, you will give light and energy to very many, without losing your own vigour and light. THE WAY, no. 837
- Work tires you out and leaves you unable to pray. You are always in the presence of your Father. If you can't speak to him, look at him every now and then like a little child… and he'll smile at you. THE WAY, no. 895
- If you call upon your guardian Angel at the moment of trial, he will protect you from the devil and will bring you holy inspirations. THE WAY, no. 567
- “My affairs buzz around in my head at the most inopportune moments…”, you say. That is why I have recommended you to try to establish some times for interior silence… and to guard your external and internal senses. FURROW, no. 670