Number of articles: 4688

"I love my work, I love caring for people."

Kristina Boskova is a Registered Nurse working in a London hospital, and is a Numerary member of Opus Dei.

Personal testimonies

The Pope speaks on the Christmas season

Links to addresses given by the Holy Father during the Christmas season.

Recent News

Archbishop Monterisi: “The Personal Prelature: a Framework which Enriches the Communion of the Church”

The 25th year of Opus Dei’s existence as a prelature has just begun. On the occasion of this anniversary, the following interview was given by Archbishop Francesco Monterisi, the Secretary of the Congregation for Bishops, the Vatican dicastery on which prelatures depend.

Recent News

Letter from the Prelate (December 2006)

A letter from Bishop Javier Echevarría to the faithful of the Prelature of Opus Dei, focusing on the Advent season, "a time of joy and hope."

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Prelate of Opus Dei ordains 38 new deacons

Bishop Javier Echevarría recently ordained as deacons 38 members of Opus Dei from 18 countries. The ceremony was celebrated at the Basilica of San Eugenio in Rome on the feast of Christ the King. Some excerpts from his homily follow.

Recent News

Dealing with Alzheimer’s

“Some days when I get up, and think of my husband’s sickness, I am flooded with a feeling of sadness,” says Pilar Fernandez-Loza, from Asturias in Spain. “But I immediately react and ask God to help me.”

Personal testimonies

"I consider everything in the light of my vocation"

Anne-Marie Walker is a Children’s Book Editor and Publisher. Living in Liverpool with her husband, she is a Supernumerary member of Opus Dei

Personal testimonies

God, rock and a violin

Manuel Lamberti is from Puerto La Cruz in Venezuela. He is 19 years old, studies violin and plays in a rock band. For two years, he was the first violin of the Youth Orchestra of the State of Anzoátegui. He is a numerary member of Opus Dei.

Personal testimonies

U.S. Vicar to speak at Daughters of St. Paul bookstores

The U.S. vicar of Opus Dei will talk about the spirituality of Saint Josemaria in November at two Daughters of St. Paul bookstores, in New York City and Northern New Jersey.

Tsunami relief work in Sri Lanka

A volunteer project in Matara, Sri Lanka in July 2006 offered Jenny and 11 other girls a chance to make a difference for tsunami victims with their time and effort.

Social initiatives