“Absolution, God's forgiveness”
You wrote to tell me that you have at last gone to confession and that you experienced the humiliation of having to open the sewer - that is what you say - of your life to "a man". When will you get rid of that feeling of vain self-esteem? You will then go to confession happy to show yourself as you are to "that man", who, being anointed, is another Christ - Christ himself - and gives you absolution, God's forgiveness. (Furrow, 45)
'Father, how can you listen to such filth?' you asked me, after a contrite confession. I said nothing, and thought that if your humility makes you feel like that,--filth: a heap of filth!--we may yet turn all your weakness into something really great. (The Way, 605)
How little Love of God you have when you yield without a fight because it is not a grave sin! (The Way, 328)
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