Jacinta, USA: "I never felt like people expected me to be a certain way"
When Jacinta moved from Trinidad to Boston for college, she knew what dreams she had for her life. In this video, she describes the long process of discovering God's dreams for her and deciding to become a numerary assistant in Opus Dei.
A Coach and a Father
An interview with Fr. John Henry Hanson, O. Praem., author of the recently published book "Coached by Josemaría Escrivá: Lessons in Discipleship."
The Prelate of Opus Dei in the USA
A 24-minute documentary about Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz's trip to four US cities in 2019.
“At home and along the way, when you lie down and when you rise:” The Plan of Life (I)

A spiritual plan of life is not so much a “system” as a deep-rooted interior commitment to a relationship: the relationship of a child with their Father. Editorial in the “Combat, closeness, mission” series.
One by One: Opus Dei Through Personal Stories

No two people are the same, nor are there any identical lives. Opus Dei is every person who embodies its charism, as the Prelate often reminds us. "One by One" is a mosaic of faces from around the world, telling the stories of their lives and their encounters with the Work.
Regional Assemblies Conclude: Family, Work, and Formation for Mission

In 2024, the Regional Assemblies of Opus Dei were held, bringing together several thousand people in nearly 70 countries over the course of a year to reflect on the theme "On the Road to the Centenary of the Work." The contributions gathered will help prepare for the Ordinary General Congress of 2025, scheduled for April and May.
“When we feel loved, we are moved to go out to others”

In his 5 February general audience, Pope Francis continued the catechetical cycle on Jesus Christ, our hope, for the Jubilee of 2025, speaking about the visitation and the Magnificat.
February Recollection Kit (2025)

A recollection is time spent in silence with God, talking to Him and “recollecting” who we are before Him. This is a package of resources for a recollection in your own home, including a downloadable PDF.
Seven Sundays of Saint Joseph

A long-standing tradition in the Church is to prepare for the feast of Saint Joseph by dedicating the seven Sundays before 19 March to Saint Joseph, in memory of his seven sorrows and joys.
The First Associates of Opus Dei

In this episode of Fragments of History, historian Constantino Ánchel traces the history of the first associate of Opus Dei and describes how the vocation to the Work as an associate spread through various Spanish cities over the next few years.
Motu Proprio “Ad charisma tuendum”
Motu Proprio “Ad charisma tuendum” by Pope Francis
Letter from the Prelate regarding the Motu Proprio “Ad charisma tuendum”
Monsignor Fernando Ocariz, Prelate of Opus Dei, writes about Pope Francis' Motu Proprio “Ad charisma tuendum” ("To safeguard the charism").
Motu Proprio “Ad charisma tuendum”: Questions and Answers
We offer some questions and answers prepared by the Opus Dei Information Office regarding the Motu Proprio “Ad charisma tuendum.”
Letter from the Prelate (6 October 2022)
The Prelate of Opus Dei informs us that he will convoke an Extraordinary General Congress in the first half of 2023 in order to make the changes to the Statutes indicated in "Ad charisma tuendum."
Statutes of Opus Dei
The Statutes of Opus Dei were promulgated by Pope St John Paul II in 1982. Written in Latin, they define precisely the juridical configuration of the Prelature, its organization, and its aims.
Apostolic constitution "Ut sit"
The English translation of the apostolic constitution, Ut sit, by which Opus Dei was established as the Catholic Church's first personal prelature.