"The holiness that Our Lord demands of you is to be achieved by carrying out with love of God your work and your daily duties, and these will almost always consist of small realities.” Saint Josemaría
"The holiness that Our Lord demands of you is to be achieved by carrying out with love of God your work and your daily duties, and these will almost always consist of small realities.”
“Thank you for the affection, prayer, and closeness with which you are accompanying me”
On 14 February, Pope Francis was admitted to the Agostino Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome due to a polymicrobial infection of the respiratory tract. On his X (formerly Twitter) account, he expressed his gratitude for the faithful's “affection, prayer, and closeness.”
Christmas Greeting from the Prelate of Opus Dei (2024)
The prelate of Opus Dei, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, wishes us a merry Christmas and invites us to renew our hope in God, who calls us to faith, dedication and service.
Cody: “Art is a bridge between humanity and God”
In celebration of the Jubilee for Artists, 15 to 18 February 2025, we interviewed Cody, an American artist who studied sacred art in Florence.
From 10 to 12 October 2024, São Paulo, Brazil, is hosting BeDoCare 2024, focusing on the legacy for future generations. Key conferences are being livestreamed (in Spanish and Portuguese) and will be available on YouTube.
The path to the Centenary has sparked a process of reflection, seen in the recently concluded Regional Assemblies held around the world. In this conversation with Isabel Sánchez, secretary of the Central Advisory, she shares some of the key topics discussed.
In 2024, the Regional Assemblies of Opus Dei were held, bringing together several thousand people in nearly 70 countries over the course of a year to reflect on the theme "On the Road to the Centenary of the Work." The contributions gathered will help prepare for the Ordinary General Congress of 2025, scheduled for April and May.
Address given by Msgr. Mariano Fazio, auxiliary vicar of Opus Dei, during the second edition of Be Do Care, in Sao Paolo (Brazil), on 10 October 2024.
On 14 February, St Josemaría understood that God was also calling women and priests to be and to do Opus Dei. Some resources to celebrate the double anniversary of the foundation of the women's branch of Opus Dei (14 February 1930) and the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross (14 February 1943).
Lidia Via has been working in the Regional Advisory of Opus Dei in Spain since 2019, overseeing activities with young people. In this interview, she talks about the formational activities carried out by the Prelature with young people and the support offered in the process of discerning any vocation to celibacy.
"Romana," the official bulletin of the Prelature of Opus Dei, is now available online in English for the first 6 months of 2024.
In this episode of Fragments of History, historian Constantino Ánchel traces the history of the first associate of Opus Dei and describes how the vocation to the Work as an associate spread through various Spanish cities over the next few years.
A webstory of the year in review, with the top videos, audios, articles, and events on opusdei.org in 2024.
On Saturday, 23 November twenty faithful of Opus Dei from Argentina, Australia, Austria, Chile, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, the Philippines, Spain, and the United States were ordained to the diaconate. The ceremony took place at the Basilica of St. Eugene in Rome, with Bishop Hugo Nicolás Barbaro, of San Roque de Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña (Argentina), presiding as the ordaining bishop.
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