Number of articles: 10

From Zen Monk to Catholic: A British Soldier’s Conversion Story

In an article for the National Catholic Register, K V Turley tells the story of Stephen Williams, raised without faith, who embraced Zen Buddhism before a surprising encounter led him to Catholicism and Opus Dei.

“He died with his boots on”: Fr Peter Haverty, a faithful priest to the end

Fr Peter Haverty (1934-2023) met St Josemaria in his youth and was a priest for over sixty years.

Pedro Ballester, a friend of his friends

Pedro Ballester died in 2018 in Manchester, at the age of 21, from bone cancer. He had an ordinary life, which left an extraordinary mark. We have interviewed Fr George Boronat, author of Pedro’s biography, to describe the life of this English boy, “who had a genuine love for people and that is why he attracted them.”

Documentary on the life of Pedro Ballester

Pedro Ballester (1996-2018) was a numerary member of Opus Dei in Britain who died of bone cancer aged 21 with a reputation for holiness. This documentary includes footage and photos from his early life plus recent interviews with his parents, brothers, friends from university.

A petite, gentle woman with the strength of steel: Jadwiga Osostowicz (1925-2022)

Exiled from Poland by Stalin’s army in 1939 to the Ural Mountains, she escaped 9000 miles on foot and by train to Palestine. Eventually settling in London, she became one of the first supernumerary members of Opus Dei in the UK. The President of Poland awarded her with the Siberian Exiles’ Cross in 2021.

Opus Dei in Britain - 75 years

With the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the arrival of Opus Dei in Britain we offer this video about the work of Opus Dei

Recent News

Meeting Love made Man

During the 75th anniversary year of Opus Dei coming to Britain we are posting a number of videos telling stories of lives changed by faith. "Meeting Love made Man” is the story of Julia, a supernumerary member of Opus Dei who lives in London.

New Team to Lead Opus Dei in North West Europe

On 10 April 2022, the Prelate of Opus Dei established the new region of North West Europe

Recent News

When I met Sofi

During the 75th anniversary year of Opus Dei coming to Britain we will be posting a number of videos telling stories of lives changed by faith. 'When I met Sofi” is the first of these.

75th Anniversary of Opus Dei in Britain

Opus Dei arrived in Britain 75 years ago, when three young postgraduate students moved to London at the end of 1946 to start the activities of Opus Dei there. Now there are members and apostolic initiatives in many cities in Britain.