Pedro Ballester was born in Manchester on 22 May 1996. The eldest of three brothers, he was brought up in the north of England. From an early age he stood out for his warmheartedness and generosity. He was renowned for being a hard-working student, and a good friend to all. While in his late teens, his deep faith led him to dedicate his life to God in Opus Dei, seeking to love Jesus Christ above all things through his studies, friendships and ordinary life.
As a numerary member of Opus Dei, Pedro received the gift of apostolic celibacy and made himself completely available to attend to the apostolic undertakings and the formation of other members of the Prelature.
In December 2014, shortly after starting at university, he was diagnosed with advanced cancer of the pelvis. Pedro saw his illness as an opportunity to embrace the Cross of Jesus, and joyfully offered up his sufferings for the Pope, the Church, and all souls. The fortitude and serenity with which he bore his illness to the end inspired numerous people to come closer to God and the Church.
Pedro rendered up his soul to God on 13 January 2018. From the very day of his death, reports have been received of favours obtained through his intercession.
The documentary was directed by Juan Martin Ezratty and made by Digito Identidad.
For further information on Pedro Ballester see