

“Delivery for Sharing”: articles, news and videos in your WhatsApp to send to your contacts

Inspired by Pope Francis' invitation to open the doors of the Church in the digital world, the Opus Dei Communications Office in Nigeria is launching "Delivery for Sharing", a proposal to receive and share good ideas and testimonies via WhatsApp daily. This article explains how the service works.

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12 tips to make a better use of Opus Dei website

If you wish to know about the Opus Dei website better; if you would like to discover the contents that best suit your needs but don’t know where to start; here are 12 tips to help you find your way around the icons, links, sections and tags. Enjoy!


People who have died with a reputation for holiness can intercede with God to lend us a favour in a time of need. Now, anyone who wants to leave a record of the thanks received can send their story through this website.