“Delivery for Sharing”: articles, news and videos in your WhatsApp to send to your contacts

Inspired by Pope Francis' invitation to open the doors of the Church in the digital world, the Opus Dei Communications Office in Nigeria is launching "Delivery for Sharing", a proposal to receive and share good ideas and testimonies via WhatsApp daily. This article explains how the service works.

This is the link to subscribe:

Aware of the importance of WhatsApp as one of the main channels of communication around the world, we are launching a service called “Delivery for Sharing”, with the aim of having new content on the mobile phone daily.

Watch the short explanatory video here.

This initiative stems from Pope Francis’ call to put communication at the service of the culture of encounter: “Keeping the doors of our churches open also means keeping them open in the digital world so that people, whatever their situation in life, can enter, and so that the Gospel can go out to reach everyone”.

To receive good news, ideas and testimonies by Whatsapp, subscribe by just clicking the link or sending the message SUBSCRIBE to +234 916 513 7162, and add the number into your contacts’ list. This also makes it easier sharing your favourite content with your friends. In order not to clog up your chats, we only send one piece of content per day.

What does it consist of?

We will periodically send you WhatsApp messages with a news highlight from our website.

This is a one-way distribution list, it is not a group. No one knows who is on the list, and no one can chat with each other.

To join, there are two ways:

Step 1: ADD +234 916 513 7162 to your Contacts. It can be named Delivery For Sharing

Step 2: Send “Subscribe” from the chat of Delivery For Sharing


Step 1: Click the link: https://tinyurl.com/deliveryng

Step 2: ADD the new Contact as Delivery For Sharing

Step 3: Send “Subscribe” from the chat

Please note that if you don't add our number to your address book you won’t receive Delivery messages.

If you desire to receive more information about Opus Dei and its activities or, once registered you do not receive messages you can send an email to the Communication Office of Opus Dei in Nigeria (info@opusdei.ng) as the WhatsApp service does not answer messages.

If for any reason you no longer wish to receive the service, please send UNSUBSCRIBE to the same number.