Jeśli chcesz się z nami skontaktować lub masz jakieś konkretne pytania lub sugestie, wyślij do nas e-mail lub wypełnij poniższy formularz i wyślij nam swoją wiadomość.

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— Formularz:

Wiadomość dla Biura Informacyjnego Opus Dei w:


To comply with the Data Protection General Regulation, we inform you that the Prelature of Opus Dei is responsible for the processing of the personal data you are going to provide. The purpose of the processing is to communicate the information and send the required subscriptions, based on the explicit and unambiguous consent of the data subject to process, communicate, transfer and if applicable transfer internationally the necessary personal data.

You will be able to exercise your data protection rights in writing, with copy of official identification document addressed to the Prelatura del Opus Dei, Calle Diego de León 14, 28006 - Madrid (Madrid - España) or by email to More information in the privacy policy.