Number of articles: 52

A Road to Freedom Across the Pyrenees

A documentary directed by Arturo Méndiz, winner of 3 Goya Awards, a Golden Palm in Cannes, and a film nominated for an Oscar.

Saint Josemaria at Lourdes

A brief account of Saint Josemaria's last visit to the Grotto at Lourdes, on 3 October 1972, before embarking on a two month catechetical trip through the Iberian peninsula.

"I have come to cast fire on the earth"

An article about Saint Josemaria's ardent efforts to bring young people closer to Christ back in the 1930s: "Set [young people] ablaze with the fire of Christ... This yes: this I have a vocation for."

"In Hiding": Surviving in the Spanish Civil War

Interview with José Luis González Gullón, author of "Escondidos," the story of how Saint Josemaria and the first members of Opus Dei managed to survive in the Republican Zone during the Spanish Civil War.

Consecrating Opus Dei to the Holy Spirit

In 1971, Saint Josemaria decided to consecrate Opus Dei to the Holy Spirit, realizing how much the Church needed all her members to be holy. He himself composed the prayer of consecration, which is renewed in all Opus Dei centers every year.

The butter "tragedy" – 100 years later

Fr Willie Doyle, a heroic Irish Jesuit military chaplain, died in battle 100 years ago. The story of how St Josemaria came to know about his life and include his example of self-denial in "The Way."

In the King’s Hospital — 1932

An excerpt from "The Founder of Opus Dei" (Vol. I)," by Andres Vazquez de Prada, which shows some of the difficulties Saint Josemaria had to confront in getting Opus Dei started.

St Josemaria Escriva in Argentina

On June 7, 1974, the founder of Opus Dei, Msgr Josemaria Escriva, arrived in Argentina, wishing to carry out an intense catechetical apostolate. During his stay in Argentina he had many encounters with people in Opus Dei, families and friends. In these gatherings he talked about the great themes that move the world: God and men, life and death, suffering and joy, love and the fight against sin.

Our Lady of Guadalupe

St Josemaria's first trip to Latin America was in May 1970. Guadalupe is not only a shrine visited by nearly thirty million people every year; it embodies the faith of the whole country in union with their ‘Virgen Morena’, the brown-skinned Virgin.

Forgiving... And Asking For Forgiveness

This article gives some examples of how Saint Josemaria practised forgiveness and said sorry, asking forgiveness of others.