The first issue of the newsletter on Dora del Hoyo, whose process of canonization has been opened, is now in print and available for download. Entitled "Dora del Hoyo: A Professional Homemaker," it includes a brief biography and testimonies from people who knew her, as well as others who didn't know her but who pray to her intercession for personal favors. These people see Dora as a model of Christian life who brings to life the Gospel message that Pope Francis so often stresses: "To be holy living out the occupations of each day with love."
Bishop Javier Echevarría, Prelate of Opus Dei, has described Dora's example as a help to "keep alive the ideal of having a spirit of service and of proclaiming the importance of the family in today's society."
Download it as pdf here, in English, Spanish or Italian:
For more information about Dora's Cause click here.