Dora del Hoyo: Newsletter No 3
The third issue of the newsletter about the Servant of God Dora del Hoyo is now available for download. Its title is "The simplicity of holiness"
Nine Days Praying With Dora del Hoyo
This novena offers nine prayers to help us talk to God about what makes us happy, worries us or upsets us, in the light of different features that shone forth in the life of Dora del Hoyo, whose cause of canonization has been opened.
A 90th Birthday Celebrated in Heaven
Dora del Hoyo died on January 10, 2004, just a day before turning 90 years old. Here are some examples of people who have received favors through her intercession.
Domestic Work Holds Significance for Business Schools
The profession to which Dora del Hoyo dedicated her entire life is now the topic of an international study involving 94 countries. The Global Home Index seeks to measure the value and repercussion of domestic work.
Dora and the Dignity of Work
"Daily work has the same dignity whether you are a neuro-surgeon or the lady dedicated to ironing clothes at home," writes Álvaro Sarmiento on the occasion of International Worker's Day, celebrated on May 1st.
"Chicken biryani, thanks to Dora"
Dora del Hoyo's example is an inspiration for the young people working in the Jahazi Conference Centre in Mombasa, Kenya. The first phase of Dora's cause of canonization was recently concluded in Rome.
Dora del Hoyo’s Cause Advances
On October 24 in Rome, at the closing of the first phase of the Servant of God's cause of canonization, Bishop Javier Echevarria summed up her life with these words: "serenity, peace, desires to be faithful."
Dora del Hoyo: Memories of Saint Josemaria
Dora del Hoyo, whose cause of canonization has been opened, recalls her first memories of Saint Josemaria, in this interview done in 2000, four years before her death at the age of 90.
Family Traditions: The Annual "Crespillos"
Knowing how to be creative with what one has at home: perhaps this example could serve as inspiration. Every year on the "Friday of Sorrows" (the Friday before Palm Sunday), the mother of Saint Josemaría, Dolores Escrivá, used to prepare a special dessert called "crespillos". It was a simple dessert that she would only make on that day, and thus the family would look forward to it. The recipe is easy to follow and inexpensive, and makes for a tasty and original dessert for your family.
One Like Us on the Way to Sainthood
I met Dora in 1995, when domestic work was far from my life and even farther from my mind. Dora and I happened to coincide on two occasions in particular in a period of about two months time. This however was enough for me to realize how she was, how she lived, for whom and why she had spent her days giving of herself to the full. There was no need for long explanations to grasp the meaning of her existence. Dora knew the meaning of her life and the path to achieve it to the full.