October 8, 1967. For the first time an outdoor Mass was celebrated in the recently begun University of Navarra. After the reading of the Gospel, Josemaría Escrivá vigorously grasped in his hands several pages, walked slowly to the microphone and (quite unusual for him, since he liked to preach personally to his listeners) read his homily. He wanted to follow the written text closely, words that had been carefully worked and shaped, almost sculpted. His firmly voiced words reached the hearts of many people. Fifty years later they continue to inspire men and women all over the world, encouraging them to seek God in all daily realities.
A Conversation with Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz
Full text of homily "Passionately Loving the World"
Documentary: "Passionately Loving the World" (how this message is being lived today by people in their daily lives
Audio recording in Spanish of Saint Josemaria reading the homily