Number of articles: 389

In Kenya: Conversion Amid the Pandemic

Njoki, a Cooperator of Opus Dei living in Kenya, talks about helping a friend to become a Catholic amid the ongoing pandemic.

Personal testimonies

A Creativity with Soul

Fran and Maria ended up working in the fashion industry by chance, since he was an historian and she had a law degree. For the last 25 years they have directed a prestigious school of fashion in Seville.

Personal testimonies

A Blind Priest Who Discovered Joy Thanks to Saint Josemaria

At the age of 16, Father James lost his sight completely. But not his inner light. Now 36 years old, accompanied by his faithful dog "Ibiza," he says that the spirituality of Opus Dei played an important part in the discovery of his vocation to the priesthood.

Personal testimonies

"An Our Father, two Hail Marys... and that’s all?”

Alberto, who lives in Oporto, Portugal, is the son of a fisherman. A Cooperator of Opus Dei, he speaks about rediscovering the sacrament of Confession after 18 years.

Personal testimonies

In Poland: A Script Written by God

Last March, a few days after her 80th birthday, Agnieszka’s mother passed away in Warsaw from Covid-19. But the script that God was writing had a happy ending.

Personal testimonies

A Love That Seems Excessive

Sergio Larrinaga died several months ago. A few days later his father Manolo also died. This is the story of Eloisa, the mother of Sergio and the wife of Manolo.

Personal testimonies

A Dream Wedding… That Ended At McDonald’s

This story of a wedding begins in Puebla, Mexico, where Rocio Rondero, a 27-year-old Mexican woman, met René, who had come from Gijon in northwestern Spain to work in Mexico.

Personal testimonies

“All truth leads us to God”

Ricardo is a professor of physics at the University of Minho in Portugal. In this interview he talks about the relationship between science and faith, the Big Bang theory, Galileo, and the recent Nobel Prize in physics.

Personal testimonies

With Pope Francis in Erbil (Iraq)

Lito Articona, who has been working in Iraq for 6 years, describes the recent papal visit in this behind-the-scenes narrative.

Personal testimonies

In Sickness and in Health

Twenty years ago Javier suffered a serious car accident that left him confined to a wheelchair. But despite everything, he and Begoña decided to get married, and their life together has been very fruitful.

Personal testimonies