Number of articles: 389

In God’s Hands when Faced with Illness

The sudden onset of a very serious illness was my first real encounter with the uncertainty of life and how life can change in an instant.

Personal testimonies

Letter from a Father to his Son

Branislav was ordained last November as a deacon. His father, a Catholic activist imprisoned for his fight against Communism in Czechoslovakia during the 1980s, sent him a moving letter.

Personal testimonies

One by One, For Over 30 Years

Elena has helped guide many people in Venezuela into the Church through her job of teaching the basics of the faith to adults who are preparing for Baptism.

Personal testimonies

A Song to Life

Maria Requena, an Associate member of Opus Dei, died last August at the age of 44, a victim of cancer. Her life as a nurse, dedicated to providing palliative care for terminal patients, is a source of inspiration for many people.

Personal testimonies

“I know that prayer saved us”

Gisela, a cooperator of Opus Dei in Ecuador, recounts how prayer helped her family overcome Covid when she was pregnant.

Personal testimonies

On the Plains of Venezuela

Evelyn and her husband, who are both doctors, have spent the past 31 years in a remote corner of their country. With God's grace, they have helped many people come closer to the faith.

Personal testimonies

Sanctifying Ordinary Work: An Art Library

Elisabetta, married with two children, is in charge of a large art library in Milan connected with the Institute of Art.

Personal testimonies

My "Way"

Chezhiyan, a software development manager from Bengaluru, India, had to undergo a kidney transplant. He tells about the support he received from his wife and a book by Saint Josemaría Escrivá

Personal testimonies

Conversion of a Portuguese Horseman

His family owns a discotheque, but his passion has always been horses. In this story of his conversion, Miguel recounts how he met Opus Dei and how cancer has now given his life an even deeper meaning and happiness.

Personal testimonies

The KGB Agent and the Engineer

During the 1970s, Salvatore, who had recently met Saint Josemaría, lived through an adventure worthy of a spy novel.

Personal testimonies