- I'm Ana, I've come from Cuba with Liz Mary and Rosario.
- Cuba, great!
- We go to formational activities in La Habana together.
- Yes.
- My Mom and Dad are Cooperators, they're actors and teachers.
I'm a singer, and in September, I start at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts at the University. Father, as a Catholic, and a daughter of God, I know it's important to have a personal relationship with him, among other reasons so that I can influence others for the good, and not be held back by difficulties. What should I do to be a "soul of prayer," as St Josemaria said?
- I'd just like to say that you, being Cuban, with your friends, are the fruit of St Josemaria's prayer. The first time he went to Latin America in 1970, we made a stopover in Miami, because we had to change flights there. And there, while people were looking after us, they gave us a coca-cola to refresh us after the lack of sleep, he got talking to a Cuban man, and he told him of his deep desire to go there. 41 years later that desire is no smaller in Opus Dei.
We feel a very great desire to go and do apostolate in Cuba as soon as we are granted permission, because there are people who are ready and willing to go to your country.
You are working towards being a singer. Well, bear in mind that you can pray through your art. I'll tell you something I often say. A woman in Opus Dei was an opera singer and she was singing a song from an opera called "Turandot" about how when the Emperor looked at her, she had been filled with happiness. She was on the Palace staff. And she put her heart into singing that song as strongly as possible. And the other people in the cast asked her, "But why are you putting so much into that song? We can tell you're putting your heart and soul into it." And she said, "Because I sing it about God, and I know that he is looking at me at every moment." So when you sing, or dance, do it with God and for God.
And in those specific surroundings, where there may be a certain tendency to frivolity or worldliness, don't give in to it. Realize that with your integrity, as you train for your profession, you can already do apostolate. Keep praying that, if you sing, you can sing "divinely," offering it to our Lord, and can also turn it into a prayer that very soon, Opus Dei will find Cuba's doors open to it, because we so much want to go and work with you.