Holy Father addresses participants in workshop on "Novo millennio ineunte'
On Saturday, 17 March, the Holy Father met the participants in a workshop on Novo millennio ineunte organized by the Prelature of Opus Dei.
Towards a more human medicine
In the first week of October Sao Paulo hosted an International Symposium on Family Medicine, in the Center for University Extension. Posted 12/03/00.
Family day at Torreciudad
Archbishop John Foley presided as thousands of families gathered at the Spanish shrine of Torreciudad to dedicate themselves anew to the Saviour's Mother. Posted 9/30/00
Sicilians name a street after Blessed Josemaria
A street in the city of Terrasini in Sicily now goes by the name of the founder of Opus Dei. Posted 12/12/00.
First Russian biography of Blessed Josemaria
Blessed Josemaria Escriva's Life and Achievement is the title of the first biography to appear in the Russian language by the noted Orthodox thinker, Eugueny Pazukhin. Posted 10/30/00.