Raquel, Spain: "The lama told me to go to Mass every day"
Raquel Escudier, a mother of two from San Fernando (Spain), sought peace and balance. Her life took a dramatic turn when a Buddhist lama told her she needed to go to Mass every day.
The Holy Eucharist, Mystery of Love and Faith
A new video with excerpts from Saint Josemaria's preaching on the Eucharist: "Living the Holy Mass is to pray constantly, convinced that, for each of us, it is a personal encounter with God."
Understanding and Living the Mass
How can we take part fruitfully and base our whole life on the Holy Mass? A step by step explanation of the parts of the Mass.
28 March 1925: A Priest of Jesus Christ
On the Saturday before Passion Sunday, 28 March 1925, Bishop Miguel de los Santos Diaz Gómara conferred priestly ordination on Josemaria Escriva in the Church of the Royal Seminary of San Carlos, Saragossa
How should we prepare to receive Christ in the Eucharist?
How should we prepare to receive Communion? When should we receive Communion and what should we do afterwards? Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Holy Communion.
Sunday: a new creation and a new exodus
If every Mass is special, Sunday Mass is even more so, writes Fr Joseph Evans. It’s time to get back to it and bring others with you.
The Holy Mass, Centre and Root of the Interior Life
Letter from Blessed Alvaro del Portillo sent to members of Opus Dei on 1 April 1986, Easter Tuesday, on the Holy Mass.
Saint Raphael Meditation: Holy Thursday
A meditation (guided prayer) for Holy Thursday. "If we knew the value of the Mass we would die of joy," Saint John Marie Vianney assures us.
Online Masses in Britain on the feast of St Josemaría
Masses in honour of St Josemaría will be livestreamed at different times in several churches in Britain on Friday 26 June 2020
Going to Mass Online? 6 Tips
It may be physically impossible for some of us to go to a church over the next few weeks. But you can still follow the Mass through digital means. Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind.