Number of articles: 15
Free Ebook: “Catechesis of Pope Francis on the Mass”
This book gathers together the audiences of Pope Francis in St Peter’s Square dedicated to explaining the Holy Mass and the Eucharist, given between November 2017 and April 2018.
"Make your whole day into a Mass"
You go to Mass in the morning, having prepared for it from the time of the Angelus the day before.
Holy Mass
During his catechesis in Spain in 1972, St Josemaria spoke of the importance of the Holy Mass and the ministerial priesthood.
St. Josemaría: The Mass—because Christ is alive
St. Josemaría is asked how to take greater advantage of the Mass. The saint reminds us that it is Christ who is acting: “Because Christ hasn’t died, Christ is alive.”
Topic 17: Introduction to the Liturgy and the Sacraments
The liturgy is an “action of God” that unites us to Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit (cf. "Sacramentum Caritatis," no. 37).