Number of articles: 31

Letter from the Prelate (1 November 2019)

Pastoral letter of Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz on the importance of friendship. “By living in friendship with God, which is the first friendship we have to foster and strengthen, you will be able to make many true friends."

Francisco and Jonnatan, Puerto Rico: "Faith helps me look at the world with hope"

The D´Orville brothers live in Puerto Rico and are very different: Francisco is talkative, and Jonnatan is reflective; what one likes, the other doesn't. One day, Francisco invited Jonnatan to participate in a recollection, but he didn't attend because it was an invitation from his brother. Now, however, they've both grown closer to God, and they run a catechism course for friends and a youth club for their children together. Their sense of mission brought them together.

One by One

Five Keys to Friendship from Pope Francis

“A friend isn’t just an acquaintance, someone you enjoy passing the time of day with. Friendship is something much deeper.” Some advice from Pope Francis on friendship.

A Life in Dialogue with Others

A new article in the series on developing a strong Christian personality. "Openness to others is closely united to our progress in the lifelong battle to unmask the face of pride and grow in humility. Pride seeps into the most surprising nooks and crannies of our relationships with others."

The Others and I: Verses of the Same Poem

A new article in the series on forging a strong Christian personality. “No human life is ever isolated. It is bound up with other lives. No man or woman is a single verse; we all make up one divine poem which God writes with the cooperation of our freedom.”

Sharing Others' Feelings

Empathy, the ability to share in other people's feelings, is very important for learning to love as Christ did. A new article in the series on forging a Christian personality.

St. Josemaría, a Teacher of Forgiveness (Part 2)

The Christian’s response, says St. Josemaría, should be “to drown evil in an abundance of good” and to open wide one’s arms to all humanity as did Jesus Christ the priest. In this second part of a study published in the journal Romana,we will consider some key ideas from the homily “Christian Respect for Persons and their Freedom” and the practice of forgiveness in contemporary society in striving to foster a culture of peace.


The Strength of Love

A downloadable audio version of St Josemaria’s homily “The Strength of Love”, published in the book Friends of God. He explains how the Lord does not say that the proof of his disciples, faithfulness will be the working of wondrous miracles and prodigies, although he gave them the power to perform them, in the Holy Spirit. What does he tell them? "You shall be known as my disciples if you love one another".

Turning my work into love

Mary lost her first job in the credit crunch and had to begin again. She learnt from St Josemaria how to turn her work into love.


The Christian vocation to apostolate

Gabby explains how she lives out her Christian vocation at work, relaxing, and socializing with friends.
