Number of articles: 31

Saint Raphael Meditation: Being a Friend of Christ

A meditation (guided prayer) on learning how to value Christ's friendship.

Free eBook: “I have called you friends: Friendship, a gift from God to light up the earth”

In the light of a pastoral letter of Mgr Fernando Ocáriz on friendship (November 1, 2019), we offer a free eBook with some texts to invite us to discover and share one of the great treasures that Jesus continues to offer to the apostles of today.

Christian Life

5 Characteristics of Friendship from Pope Francis

For the feast of the Chair of Saint Peter on 22 February, we offer five characteristics of friendship taken from the writings of Pope Francis during his years as Saint Peter's successor.

Apostles in the Middle of the World: A Sense of Mission (With Audio)

"The dynamic force at work in the apostolate is charity, which is a gift from God, and in a Christian, in a child of God, friendship and charity are one and the same thing."

The KGB Agent and the Engineer

During the 1970s, Salvatore, who had recently met Saint Josemaría, lived through an adventure worthy of a spy novel.

I Have Called You Friends (V): See What Good Friends They Are

A new article in the series on friendship. "Friendship is one of the 'divine paths on earth' that God has opened up by becoming a man, a friend of his friends."

Friends Are Key To Happiness

One of the most thorough studies on human happiness has established scientifically what we know from instinct and common sense: the importance of friends to live a happy life. Saint Josemaria spoke a lot about the importance of personal friendship.

Recent News

I Have Called You Friends (IV): Fraternity and Friendship

"Friendship is always freely bestowed; if it is sought to fulfil an obligation or to attain a goal it is never truly authentic."

I Have Called You Friends (II): To Light Up the Earth

The "new commandment" that Jesus entrusted to us at the end of his life teaches us that true friendship is also authentic apostolate.

I Have Called You Friends (I): Does God Have Friends?

God has always taken the first step in seeking our friendship. By being his friend, we learn how to be good friends of others. A new series on Christian life.