Letter from the Prelate (14 June 2019)

Mgr. Ocariz encourages us to live through the solemnities and feast-days of June with deep joy and gratitude to God for his immense love.

Rome, 14 June 2019

My dearest children: May Jesus watch over my daughters and sons for me!

This month of June brings the celebration of solemnities and feast-days that are fundamental for our faith: from 2nd June, the Ascension of the Lord, to 29th, Sts Peter and Paul. All of them, each with its own special features, give us the opportunity to intensify our gratitude to God for his immense love. As a result, these celebrations invite us to share our joy, among other ways by enjoying more intense family life together, both in centres of the Work and in the Associates’ and Supernumeraries’ homes.

Although joy does not have to show in the same way at all times and in all circumstances, we can always be happy, faced with what is pleasant humanly speaking and with what causes suffering. Jesus tells all of us, as he told the Apostles, “That my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete” (Jn 15:11). And St Paul exhorts us: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice” (Phil 4:4).

Along these same lines, even the experience of our weakness and our sins should not plunge us into sadness, because, as happened with the prodigal son (cf. Lk 15:22-24), genuine joy comes from the certainty of knowing that we are always loved infinitely by God, who prepares for us “a great feast – the deep joy of repentance” (St Josemaría, Letter of 14 February 1974, no. 7).

In this way we will always be able to be, with Jesus, sowers of peace and joy.

A very affectionate blessing from

your Father