Opus Dei's UK Information Office is delighted to announce the availability of the free St Josemaría feast-day Mass Kit. This follows on from its success last year in the UK, and originally in the USA, where it was pioneered by the St Josemaria Institute.
This kit makes it easy for priests and parishes to organise Masses for St Josemaría's feast day on 26 June. In its UK version the 'kit' includes:
- An elegant print of the Mass parts for the Mass of St Josemaría;
- 100 prayer cards of St Josemaría;
- A poster to promote awareness of the Mass;
- Excerpt from a homily of St Josemaría, 'Passionately loving the world'.
The kit is free, and can be ordered by e-mailing the Information Office at info@opusdei.org.uk or calling 020 7221 9176.
If you would like to adjust the contents of the kit, e.g. by asking for more posters or for newsletters to go with the prayer cards, please do not hesitate to ask.
For logistical reasons this initiative is limited to the UK.