Canonization memorabilia

St. Josemaría canonization memorabilia is now available over the internet. Part of the proceeds from sales will be donated to Project Harambee 2002.

At the time of the canonization in Rome, thousands of people had the opportunity to obtain St. Josemaría memorabilia, made by the Italian company, Formula SRL. After receiving numerous requests from around the world, Formula SRL has now launched a website to make these souvenirs available for purchase over the internet.

The page offers information in English, Spanish, and Italian. Additionally, the site includes a photo gallery and audio files of excerpts of St. Josemaría’s homilies.

The business will be donating 20% of the proceeds from sales of the memorabilia to Harambee 2002, the project established by the Josemaría Escrivá Canonization Organizing Committee to promote educational projects in sub-Saharan Africa.

Six types of memorabilia are offered on the website: medals in various metals, alabaster statues from 20 cm to 1.5 m, a CD with St. Josemaría’s voice accompanied by sacred music, rosaries and rosary pouches, T-shirts and caps, and printed images.

The site may be accessed at or .