Number of articles: 4849

How is it financed?

The prelature of Opus Dei is financed in the same way as the dioceses and other future prelatures, that is, above all by the contributions of its own faithful and of other people who provide financial assistance for its mission.

Personal prelature

Does Opus Dei have greater autonomy now that it is a prelature. Can one speak of Opus Dei as a church within the Church?

No part of the Church constitutes "a church within the Church."

Personal prelature

Video: Making Christ known

Welcome everyone, show them affection, do not reject anyone. So advised Opus Dei’s founder for those who want to imitate Christ, because our Lord did not reject anyone (Weekly Video 1’31”).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

36 Faithful of Opus Dei Ordained Deacons

The new deacons come from 15 countries and were ordained today by the Prelate in the Basílica of San Eugenio in Rome. We present some excerpts from Bishop Javier Echevarría's homily along with the names of the newly ordained deacons.

Recent News

Video: Christian example in one's work

“In an environment that is not very Christian, how can we stand up for what we believe in?” This question, still relevant today, was put to St. Josemaría in 1972. Here is his answer (Weekly Video: 0’44”).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Benedict XVI: read the Bible every day

""Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ." Citing words of St. Jerome, the Holy Father advised all the faithful to read a passage from the Bible each day.

Recent News

Sailors in solidarity

My name is Hector. I’m stationed on a frigate in the Spanish Navy, and am a member of Opus Dei. When I found out that we would be conducting maneuvers in the Red Sea with a four-day stopover in one of the poorest countries in the world, a group of us officers decided to try to do what we could to help out.

Social initiatives

Enthused with ordinary life

“If you put love into each day, each day is different.” This is the advice Opus Dei’s founder gives to those who want to flee from routine and find God in their daily lives (video: 1’53”).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

"Do what you Want"

Fr James Muñoz Chápuli died on 24 September 2007 in Nigeria. We include a transcription of a testimony he wrote during his last stay in Spain.

Pope Benedict XVI: "Every Christian is called to be a saint"

On the solemnity of All Saints, the Holy Father stressed that not only all Christians are called to sanctity, but that every human being is called to be a saint.

Recent News