Number of articles: 4849

Audience of Pope Benedict XVI with UNIV

On Wednesday, March 19, the Pope held an audience in St. Peter's basilica with the participants of the UNIV conference. The Pope speaks in English, Spanish and Italian. We include a video of the audience and a translation of the Pope's remarks.

Recent News

Video: Holy Week with Benedict XVI

The video offers images of Palm Sunday Mass celebrated by the Pope and a brief overview of the Holy Father’s activities in the next few days.

Recent News

Inauguration of the Biomedical Campus in Rome

The Vatican Secretary of State, the Prelate of Opus Dei, Bishop, and other dignitaries inaugurated the new Biomedical University campus in Rome. The Via Alvaro del Portillo, on which the new campus is located, was also blessed. Here are some photos of the event.

Recent News

Opus Dei in the Church

On March 19, 1983 in Rome, the handing over of the Bull “Ut Sit” took place. This document from John Paul II erected Opus Dei as a personal prelature. Opus Dei’s only purpose, as the Founder said, “is to serve the Church".

Personal prelature

Seek God’s glory in everything

Opus Dei’s Founder advises us to take advantage of life’s daily events to draw closer to God and give him glory (Weekly Video: 00’48”).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

A Website for "UNIV"

UNIV began forty years ago thanks to the impetus of St. Josemaría Escrivá. University students from all over the world gather in Rome each year at Easter to discuss topics of current significance. A new website in six languages provides pertinent information.

Recent News

Letter from the Prelate (March 2008)

With Holy Week drawing close, the Prelate invites us to redouble our efforts to grow in love for God and neighbor, like runners when they see the finish line.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Scientists in search of the soul

Is there place in science for the soul? Does neuroscience exclude its existence? 40 university students and researchers from a wide range of disciplines discussed this issue in the 10th International Interdisciplinary Seminar, in London.

Constantly Giving Thanks

Now 92 years old, Francisco Corazón recalls how he met Opus Dei and relates the beginnings of a personal apostolic initiative that has since become an international network of rural schools for farm workers.

Personal testimonies

Children and Fire-fighters

Maria José Hernández is a lawyer and the mother of three young children.

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