Number of articles: 4849

St. Josemaría: All Day in God’s Presence

With a lot of work to do, we can easily forget to greet our Lord and our Lady with words of affection. St. Josemaría suggested using “alarm clocks,” small objects or pictures that remind us of God’s presence (01’38”).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Diocesan Phase of Don Álvaro del Portillo’s Cause of Canonization Finishes in Rome

On next Thursday, June 26, in Rome’s Lateran Palace, Cardinal Camillo Ruini will preside over the closing session of the diocesan process on the life and virtues of the Servant of God, Álvaro del Portillo (1914-1994), bishop and prelate of Opus Dei.

Recent News

Prelate tells young people: “Many great things depend on how you live!”

Just a month before World Youth Day begins in Australia, we offer video extracts from two recent encounters that Bishop Javier Echevarría had with young people from various countries, whom he encouraged to trust in Christ (03’10”).

From the Prelate

Young Jewish girl asks St. Josemaria about converting

In a 1974 get-together in Chile with hundreds of people, a young Jewish girl asked St. Josemaria for his advice about becoming a Catholic (2:11).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

The Fire of the First Christians

What was the reaction of the first Christians to the world in which they were immersed? We may be tempted to explain the spread of the Gospel in terms of marvels and miracles. Their faith was the "miracle" that attracted people from all classes, conditions and cultures. Their faith, and their love for Christ.

Fostering Interior Life

Letter from the Prelate (June 2008)

“To know, to experience, to live, to give witness: these four expressions sum up the response Christians are called to make to God’s Love.” God’s fatherly and loving heart is the central concern of the Prelate’s letter this month.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Masses in Honour of Saint Josemaría

26th June is the anniversary of the death of the Founder of Opus Dei in 1975. Public Masses will be celebrated in several places in Britain to mark the date.

Priestly Ordinations in Rome, May 24, 2008

On Saturday, May 24th, the Prelate of Opus Dei ordained 36 priests in Rome. Here are some video highlights of the ceremony (2 minutes).

Recent News

St. Josemaría: Teaching Children Temperance

Teaching children Christian virtues such as temperance requires tact, affection, patience and a lot of personal piety. That is what the Founder of Opus Dei tells a mother in this video (01’14”).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Homily at the ordination of priests (2008)

The Prelate of Opus Dei’s homily to the priests, families and faithful attending the ordination of priests on May 24, 2008, in the basilica of San Eugenio in Rome.

From the Prelate