Number of articles: 4849

Letter from the Prelate (August 2008)

Following the Holy Father, the Prelate invites us to consider St. Paul's teachings and draw practical consequences for our lives: "Who is Paul? What does he say to me?"

Pastoral Letters and Messages

The Saint who loved England

St. Josemaria visited Britain for the first time on 4th August 1958, fifty years ago. Mgr Richard Stork, who was then director of one of two centres of Opus Dei in England, remembers...

Saint Paul and Marriage

Love and respect one another. This was Saint Paul's advice to married people. The theologian Carla Rossi speaks about the Apostle's teachings on matrimony in the second video offered by the Opus Dei website for the Pauline year.

Christian Life

"Mommy, am I going to die?”

A small child’s sickness and pain are very difficult to understand. But Antek, a five year old Polish boy, discovered their meaning.

Personal testimonies

A step in Don Alvaro's process of canonization

The Diocese of Rome has finsihed collecting testimony from those who knew Alvaro del Portillo. This documentation will now be sent to the Vatican. We offer a video summary of the official act that closed this stage of the process.


The Reason for Our Hope

The particular challenge facing Christians is discovering how to present Jesus Christ to people today. This theme is taken up by Dr. Luis Clavell, professor at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome.

Get to Know Christ

“Prophets of a New Age”

So referred Pope Benedict XVI to the young people at World Youth Day in Australia. We offer a summary, in 35 brief passages, of what the Holy Father said to them and to the youth of the world.

Recent News

Christian Humanism in Business and Management

The full text of the address delivered by Bishop Javier Echevarría to inaugurate the 15th International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society held May 16, 2008, at the campus of IESE in Barcelona.

From the Prelate

Christian Humanism in Business

The Prelate recently addressed an International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society at the IESE business school in Barcelona. He spoke about the need for Christian humanism in Business.

From the Prelate

50th Anniversary Mass on 15th August 2008

A Solemn Mass on the feast of the Assumption is being celebrated in the church of Our Lady of Willesden in London, to commemorate the consecration of Opus Dei to Our Lady carried out by St Josemaría in that church on 15th August 1958.