Number of articles: 4848

How did Josemaria Escriva get canonized so quickly?

Is Opus Dei elitist or for the elite?

Is Opus Dei conservative?

Is Opus Dei a rich institution?

Pope Benedict XVI: Pilgrimage to Lourdes

After a Mass with 250,000 people in Paris, France, the Pope traveled to Lourdes to pray at the grotto where our Lady appeared 150 years ago. We offer video highlights of the trip (03'17'').

Recent News

Does Opus Dei publish lists of members?

Immersed in Fine Arts and God

Chris Afuba is an artist and lecturer at the Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu, Nigeria. He is a Supernumerary of Opus Dei.

Personal testimonies

"Touched by Mary's Gaze"

A selection of passages from Pope Benedict XVI's homilies and addresses during his recent visit to Paris and Lourdes, with links to the full texts.

Recent News

St Josemaría: Prayer, our direct line with God

To pray means to talk with God as one talks with a friend or a brother. And our Lord is always waiting for us to converse with him (01’46’’).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

"The Prelature Aspires to Serve, as a Leaven"

In this interview, Bishop Javier Echevarría explains why "we all can and should live in intimacy with God, because we are all his children, and he expects love from all of us."

From the Prelate