Number of articles: 4843

"God's Footprint": Saint Josemaria for Kids

"God's Footprint" is the first video cartoon about the figure of Saint Josemaria Escrivá de Balaguer. It is not a simple biography, but a fascinating story, marked by historic events that highlight his special sensitivity to the things of God.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Opus Dei and Franco

Opus Dei in this country

First Church in Africa Dedicated to St. Josemaría

Under shade provided by thatched palm branches, several hundred people from the Congolese town of Nkama-Bangala attended the inaugural Mass for the first church in Africa dedicated to St. Josemaría.

Recent News

A New Statue of St. Josemaría

In a small town in Aragon, Spain, the parish church has a new statue of St. Josemaría.

Recent News

Letter from the Prelate (November 2008)

Bishop Echevarría’s letter this month is focused on specific ways we can love and serve the Church.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

In Namibia, with Saint Josemaría's Help

Vesna Ostoic lives in Namibia, Africa. She moved there from London because of her husband's work. In her situation, it is more difficult to receive Christian formation and do apostolate…but not impossible.

Personal testimonies

Statement by University of Navarra President

After the recent terrorist attack at the University of Navarra, in which over 20 people were injured, the president of the university, Ángel J. Gómez-Montoro, made a public statement.

Recent News

Free to Build the Future

Freedom is not only a right: it entails a responsibility that should lead Christians to get involved in trying to solve the problems in contemporary society. We offer an article that confronts this question in the light of some of St. Josemaria's teachings.

Fostering Interior Life

The Pope Encourages Reading the Bible

More than 1,200 people read the Bible uninterruptedly over the course of a week during the Synod on the Word of God in Rome. The Pope began the reading with Genesis. Among the readers was Bishop Javier Echevarría. (Video)

Recent News

Reading the Bible with the Saints

Words from Bishop Javier Echevarría's intervention in the Synod of Bishops on the Word of God

From the Prelate