“Have I talked to him?”
It is possible that you might be frightened by this word: meditation. It makes you think of books with old black covers, the sound of sighs and the irksome repetition of routine prayers. But that is not meditation. To meditate is to consider, to contemplate God as your Father, and yourself as his son in need of help. And then to give him thanks for all that he has given you and for all that he will give you. (Furrow, 661)
Here is a point for your daily examination. Have I allowed an hour to pass, without talking with my Father God? Have I talked to him with the love of a son? You can! (Furrow, 657)
This is the only way to get to know Jesus: speak to Him. You will always find in Him a Father, a Friend, an Adviser, a Helper in all the noble deeds of your …