My dear children: may Jesus watch over my daughters and sons for me!
This morning the Motu proprio of Pope Francis Ad charisma tuendum was made public, which modifies some articles of the Apostolic Constitution Ut sit to adapt them to the norms established by the recent Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium on the Roman Curia. It is a concretization of the Holy Father’s decision to place the figure of personal prelatures in the Dicastery for the Clergy, which we filially accept.
The Holy Father encourages us to fix our attention on the gift that God gave Saint Josemaría, so as to live it fully. He exhorts us to safeguard the charism of Opus Dei in order “to further the evangelizing action carried out by its members,” and thus “to spread the call to holiness in the world, through the sanctification of one’s work and family and social occupations” (Motu proprio Ad charisma tuendum). I would like this invitation of the Holy Father to resonate strongly in each and every one of us. It is an opportunity to go more deeply into the spirit that our Lord instilled in our Founder and to share it with many people in our family, work and social environments.
Regarding the provisions of the Motu proprio on the figure of the Prelate, I repeat what I have pointed out to you on other occasions: we give thanks to God for the fruits of ecclesial communion that the episcopacies of Blessed Alvaro and Don Javier have brought about. At the same time, the episcopal ordination of the Prelate was not and is not necessary for the guidance of Opus Dei. The Pope’s desire to highlight the charismatic dimension of the Work now invites us to reinforce the family atmosphere of affection and trust: the Prelate must be a guide but, above all, a father.
I also ask you to pray for the work that Pope Francis has asked us to carry out in order to adapt the particular law of the Prelature to the indications of the Motu proprio Ad charisma tuendum, remaining – as he himself tells us – faithful to the charism.
Your Father blesses you with all his affection,

22 July 2022