50th Anniversary of the arrival of the first women in Opus Dei in Australia and New Zealand

The Prelate of Opus Dei, Bishop Javier Echevarría, writes on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the arrival of the first women in Opus Dei in the region of Australia and New Zealand.

Rome, October 27, 2015

May Jesus look after my Australian and New Zealand daughters for me!

My beloved daughters,

This coming November 6th you are celebrating the arrival of the first women in Opus Dei to your Region; I accompany you with immense affection.

It is only reasonable that you would be joyfully preparing yourselves, because these family milestones mark important stages. Above all they help us raise our sights to God and gaze into the future with great hope. The words the Pope offered us little more than a year ago sound tremendously apt. He used our beloved Don Alvaro’s very words during his Beatification: Thank you, forgive me and help me more. Let us desire to make this phrase our own right now because we realise that God has generously blessed us. He has made use of our correspondence, of our efforts to begin again and again, even when sometimes the going is a bit more uphill.

My daughters, souls press us on and the Work is young. Five decades are not much for an institution destined to last for centuries. Therefore let us let ourselves be “swept along” by this youthful spirit that will always be characteristic of Opus Dei. Let us carry out a daring apostolate which does not apply the brakes out of fear or “human respects”. We must be imprudent in a holy way. With the certainty that we will remain firm in doctrine if we take care of our interior life, unity and fraternity. This is the wonderful inheritance Saint Josemaría has bequeathed us. We shall ensure the supernatural effectiveness of our task and carry out a deep and broad work with souls. Consider too that the whole Work will celebrate this anniversary with abundant acts of thanksgiving.

I lean on your fidelity daily for the successful outcome of so many intentions.

Your Father loves you, blesses you and remembers you.

+ Javier