Number of articles: 4662

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Recent News

John Paul II and illness: God's caress

Bishop Alvaro recalls John Paul II’s hospital stay after the assassination attempt in 1981, and says that illness is a caress from God.


Interior life

Bishop del Portillo explains to a young deaf woman that sickness is an opportunity to have a deeper interior life.


Apostolate is to love other people

"Doing apostolate is a question of love" assures Bishop del Portillo in a get-together with Kenian families.


Service Projects from New Zealand

Centres of Opus Dei conduct social projects with young New Zealanders locally and internationally. Below are a series of articles about the various projects.

Opus Dei

Meeting with St Josemaria Escriva in Peru

In July 1974, Saint Josemaría was in Peru, where he had several informal meetings and get-togethers with people who worked the land there.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Africa's call

Why do many people visit Africa and then want to stay there? Alvaro del Portillo answers in this short video.


An Optimistic Apostolate

"Prayer is the lever that moves the Most Merciful Heart of our Saviour," Bishop Alvaro del Portillo assures us, in a Letter written in 1990.


Letter from the Prelate (July 2014)

The Prelate suggests that, besides intensifying our prayer, we can also prepare very well for the beatification of Alvaro del Portillo by carrying out works of mercy.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Harambee Social Projects and the Beatification

Harambee Africa International, in conjunction with the organizing committee for the beatification of Alvaro del Portillo, is inviting people to assist four African social and educational initiatives begun by Bishop Alvaro del Portillo.
