Number of articles: 4671

"The Church's Universality"

Eelis Nguyen, a convert from Buddhism, lives and works in Helsinki. He says that he is looking forward to going to the beatification of Alvaro del Portillo because it is "a great feast for the Church."


Alvaro del Portillo, in 3 minutes (Video)

A brief video with scenes from the life of Alvaro del Portillo, who was beatified on September 27 in Madrid.


Temperance and Self-mastery (II)

"Those who are masters of themselves have marvelous possibilities to dedicate themselves to the service of God and neighbor, and thus attain the greatest happiness and peace possible here on earth."

Fostering Interior Life

"Loving Mom and Dad"

During a 1988 get-together in Quebec, Canada, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo speaks about the love children owe to their parents.


Some Recent Favors of Don Alvaro

A hard-to-sell cow. Tensions in a polygamous family. A premature baby. These stories from Kenya represent a few of the many recent favors attributed to the intercession of Alvaro del Portillo.


Sanctity: Everyone's Vocation

An article by the Prelate of Opus Dei published in "Palabra." "The ceremony on the upcoming 27th of September reminds us once again of the universal calling to holiness, preached untiringly by Saint Josemaria Escriva and reaffirmed forcefully by Vatican II."

From the Prelate

Educating in Modesty (2)

"Parents need to communicate the value of the human body, and how to treat it with respect, avoiding anything that could contribute to viewing it as merely an object of pleasure or curiosity." A new article in the series on the family.

Fostering Interior Life

Love for the Pope

In 1975, soon after being elected Prelate, Msgr. Alvaro del Portillo asked us to “increase our veneration and affection” for the Holy Father, and to work “untiringly in union with all the bishops who are in full communion with the Holy See.”


Learning to be Faithful

Being faithful to a person, a love, a vocation is a path that requires both human loyalty and reliance on God's grace.

Fostering Interior Life

Free APP for Alvaro del Portillo’s Beatification in iOS and Android

A brief biography of his life, texts and hymns for the ceremony on September 27 in Madrid, transport information and maps of Madrid, GPS-marked sites related to his life, are some of the features of this new free App available in English.
