Examination of conscience for confession (adults)

We offer a series of questions that can help in the personal examination of conscience prior to confession. This version is intended for adults.

▪ Have I rejected or neglected my faith? Have I refused to defend my faith, or been ashamed of it? Is there any aspect of my faith that I do not accept?

▪ Have I taken the Lord’s name in vain? Have I been superstitious or put my trust in witch doctors, fortune-tellers or any other like these? Have I shown disrespect for any holy things, places or people?

▪ Have I missed Mass on Sundays or Holy Days of Obligation? Have I been attentive during the Mass or do I wilfully get distracted?

▪ Have I received Holy Communion with a grave sin on my conscience?

▪ Have I received Holy Communion without proper reverence?

▪ Have I acted with impatience, anger or jealousy?

▪ Have I fostered resentments or been unwilling to forgive?

▪ Have I been verbally or physically violent with others?

▪ Have I taken part in or encouraged abortion, euthanasia or any other means of taking human life?

▪ Have I been involved in a process of IVF? Have I encouraged anybody to do IVF? Do I understand the gravity of the processes involved, increased by the destruction of human embryos?

▪ Have I been hateful or judgemental in thoughts or deeds? Have I looked down on others?

▪ Have I spoken badly about others, engaging in gossip?

▪ Have I consumed alcohol excessively or taken drugs?

▪ Have I looked at pornographic videos or websites? Have I committed impure acts on my own? Have I been involved in impure acts with someone else? Am I living with someone as if I were married when I am not?

▪ If I am married, do I seek to love my spouse above all else? Do I put my marriage and my children first? Have I practised contraception? Am I faithful to my spouse?

▪ Do I let my work occupy time and energy that family and friends deserve? Have I been honest and diligent in my work?

▪ Have I been proud or selfish in my thoughts or actions? Have I neglected the poor and those in need? Have I spent money on my own personal comfort and luxury, forgetting my responsibilities to others and the Church?

▪ Have I stolen or cheated anyone at work? Have I received or given bribes or participated in sharing funds from questionable sources?

▪ Have I given in to laziness? Have I preferred physical comfort to service of others? Have I neglected the responsibility to bring others closer to God through my example and words?

▪ Have I told lies?


- Confession: a step-by-step guide

- Examination of conscience for children

- Examination of conscience for teens

If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact us at info @opusdei.ng