Number of articles: 5191

With the Father, Hakuna Matata!

On Wednesday 18th December 2019 in the afternoon, the Father had a get-together with young women who frequent centres of Opus Dei all over Kenya. We summarize the main points here.


The Creativity of Charity

How can I help assist those in need? Where do I start? This short documentary shows creative ways in which Catholics from various countries have responded to the needs of those around them.

Fostering Interior Life

The Father with young people in Strathmore School

There's a certain throbbing vibration of youth that St. Josemaria was always excited about and that he depended a lot on. That same throbbing vibration was palpable in the air when his third successor visited Strathmore School yesterday evening at 5 pm.


Families celebrate the Father’s visit

On Tuesday morning, the Father met with various families in Kianda School and also visited Kibondeni College that is celebrating its 50th anniversary.


Looking into the future with supernatural optimism

On the second day, 16th December 2019, the Father celebrated Mass at Kianda School encouraging his daughters to be collaborators of God.


Christmas Greeting from the Prelate of Opus Dei

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz has sent a brief message for the solemnity of the Birth of Jesus.

From the Prelate

The Father in Nairobi Sunday 15th Dec

The Father yesterday, Sunday 15th December, spent his first full day in Kenya with a very robust schedule of activities.


A Golden Opportunity to Celebrate

Kibondeni College in Kenya has been celebrating its 50th anniversary for the last 12 months with various events. Here are some of the highlights.

Social initiatives

Like the Parting of the Red Sea

Joseph Hyginus, a Sri Lankan supernumerary living in Canada, talks about immigrating to find better opportunities for his family, and how he found his vocation along the way.

Personal testimonies

The Father is coming to East Africa

From 14 - 22 December, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz will make a brief pastoral visit to East Africa.

From the Prelate