Number of articles: 5191

"Thank Him For Everything, Because Everything Is Good"

“Make it a habit to raise your heart to God, in acts of thanksgiving, many times a day." A new article on Christian life.

Fostering Interior Life

"Let us be witnesses to Christ's love in ordinary life"

Monsignor Ocáriz sends Christmas greetings to everyone from the Basilica of the Uganda Martyrs, reminding us that we can give witness to the Christian life in our families, as we contemplate the newborn Jesus in Bethlehem.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Look at the Child Jesus at the Nativity Scene

The Prelate of Opus Dei had a get-together with his daughters on Sunday morning, thereafter he met the Archbishop of Kampala His Grace Cyprian Kizito Lwanga.


Pray for the Pope and the Church

The Father had a pretty intense schedule these last eight days. He spent most of his time with his children, their families and their friends who receive means of formation in centres of Opus Dei.


Feliz Navidad

Christmas carol sang to the Father in Strathmore School after the get-together for young people there on 17th December 2019


The Father's meeting young ladies in Entebbe

On Saturday, the Prelate had a get-together with young ladies at Pearlcrest Hospitality Training Institute, Entebbe.


The Father with young people in Entebbe

The Father spent Saturday early afternoon with a sizeable group of young men - university students and young professionals - at Tusimba Study Centre for an informal get-together.


The Chancellor’s Inaugural Visit to Strathmore University

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, Prelate of Opus Dei and Chancellor of Strathmore visited the university on Thursday 19 December.


The Father arrives in Uganda

Opus Dei began in Uganda in 1996. In 2006 Don Javier (the second successor of St. Josemaria) visited the "Pearl of Africa". On Friday 20th December 2019, at 12.45 pm the Father (Monsignor Fernando Ocariz) landed on the same rich soil, the land of the martyrs.


The Creativity of Charity

How can I help assist those in need? Where do I start? This short documentary shows creative ways in which Catholics from various countries have responded to the needs of those around them.

Fostering Interior Life