Number of articles: 5191

9 discoveries in 2 years

We were looking back on these “discoveries”: how we all separately learnt about this particular series of talks and what we’ve learnt from them in the last two years.


How well do you know the Father?

This is a presentation that explains who is Mons Fernando Ocáriz. We call him the Father


To Know Him and To Know Yourself (I): Stealing Christ's Heart

"Perhaps we could define prayer like this: a word that 'steals Christ’s heart' and enables us to live, from now on, close to Him."

Fostering Interior Life

50 Years as a Priest

For the 50th anniversary of his ordination as a priest on 13 December 1969, here is the Letter Pope Francis wrote to priests for the 160th anniversary of the death of the holy Curé of Ars, Saint John Vianney.

From the Church and the Pope

"Marked by the seal of suffering"

In his 11 December general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on the Acts of the Apostles, speaking about the persecution Saint Paul underwent.

From the Church and the Pope

"The enchanting image of the Christmas crèche"

Pope Francis' Apostolic Letter "Admirabile signum" on the Nativity scene, with link to free audio version.

From the Church and the Pope

The Pope's Prayer Intention for December

Every child who is marginalized, abused, abandoned, without schooling, or without medical care, is a cry that rises up to God.

From the Church and the Pope

Where God is "One More at the Table"

Paul has lived in Lebanon for the past few years, working for an NGO. A numerary of Opus Dei, he describes the apostolic work being done there as well as his personal impressions.

Personal testimonies

From Homa Bay to Rome

CARF is a Foundation raising money for scholarships for priests and seminarians who study at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. Fr. Paschal Ochieng is one of its beneficiaries. In the last 28 years CARF has helped in the formation of 510 Kenyan priests and 18 Kenyan seminarians did their studies there before ordination.

Personal testimonies

Take a Chance on Happiness

TAKE A CHANCE ON HAPPINESS (acronym TACOH). This is the name that a group of eleven couples in Nairobi gave their marriage enrichment sessions.

Personal testimonies